What’s In A Name? [Blog-tember Challenge Day 7]

Monday, September 7: Tell us about your blog name. Where did it come from?


Welcome to my self-titled blog, Kylie McGraw. This blog is all about me, so I guess it makes sense that I would have such a headline at the top. Even so, I wish it was a little more creative. I never know what to say when people ask how long I have been blogging because the answer varies greatly. The website was created in July of 2012. That was the summer I worked as a student aide in one of the Education office’s at my college. I had just started reading running blogs and I thought, hey! I can do that too! Then, it started again in April 2013. This time, I told my best friend that I would be writing and that she had to read because she would be the only one who would care. Ha! January 2014 was going to be my time. Finally, I would actually be a blogger! And then finally, in January 2015, I jumped back in the saddle for good. There was so much back and forth in my commitment to blogging because I always felt like if I didn’t post often enough, it was “too late” to post again. Obviously, I had a lot of self-doubt, which is just crazy! This is my space on the Internet and I can do what I want –> said in the nicest voice possible. 🙂

You may see why I never committed to a name for my blog due to my kind of crazy history. However, in the past few weeks, I have been brainstorming different ideas for the title. I struggle only because I don’t want to end up labelling myself as something that doesn’t seem true to me. I love to run, but if my blog title has something to do with running, then I feel pressured to only write about that one topic. Do you see what I mean? Brainstorming is going well over here;)

I can tell you a little bit about my tagline, though!

“A good laugh and a long run are the two best cures for anything.”

This represents me because I really do love to run and I also believe that whatever you are doing in life, you should enjoy. Smile a little, laugh a lot, and do the things that fill YOU up. Your idea of happiness might not look like someone else’s, and it really might not even look like what you originally thought, but it should be important, meaningful, and worthy to you.


So tell me…what’s the story behind YOUR name?

6 thoughts on “What’s In A Name? [Blog-tember Challenge Day 7]

  1. Well, I started out with a Facebook community page. I brainstormed some names; I wanted to mostly write about running, but foid & nutrition fascinate me & yes, I’m definitely a chocoholic so Chocolaterunsjudy was born.

    I’ve started a few blogs in the past that didn’t survive, so it took me a long time before I decided to take the plunge into blogging again.

    And then I was just going to test the waters, but I started participating in the link ups, and watching those stats & comments kind of got addictive.

    It really helps that I don’t work, of course. 🙂

  2. I just ate up that last paragraph like it was chocolate fudge. I loved it! Such a good reminder, and I can’t hear it too many times! I’m going to have to go back and look at some of your earlier posts. 😉

    The story of my blog name (slightly adapted from my “about the blog” page 😀 ) :
    I am a watcher. From the time I was a baby, I loved to sit in the sling close to my mom and watch the people from there. Even now, I am happy just hanging out with the people I love, and watching what goes by. When I was younger, I was a “first class” neighbor spy, and I would surreptitiously peek through the cracks in our fence into our neighbors’ yards. My curiosity has not diminished, although my methods have improved slightly. ;P I thought it was the perfect name for a lifestyle blog, because it gives the idea of me allowing the reader (lol, if it was a real fence, there would be no allowing about it!) to peek through the cracks in my fence and into my life.

    P.S. I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award! I totally understand if you don’t have time/don’t want to do it, especially since we’re in the middle of Blog-tember!

    Sunshine Blogger Award!

  3. I definitely can relate to your struggle! I knew I wanted to blog before I came up with a name! A blog name holds so much meaning so it’s always hard to figure out what it should be. I love your tagline…sums you up! Hope you had a great weekend!

  4. Love your story and how much you want to be true to yourself! Blogging can be such a struggle to do consistently when life gets busy- but you are rocking it girl!

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