Five Summer Favorites

Today marks the last day of my first week of work as a teacher! I guess I can’t really celebrate yet…I haven’t actually met my kiddos or started teaching…but I have learned a lot and I am adding things to an ever-growing to-do list.ย So little time, so much to do. ๐Ÿ˜‰ (Side note: does that phrase make you think of anything specific?! I start singing the theme song to Mary Kate and Ashley’s TV showย So Little Time:))

I have a long list of things that I wanted to do this summer, and unfortunately, I have yet to complete a few of those items. Even so, I had an amazing (though busy) few months! Here are five highlights in honor of the DC Trifecta’s link up today. ๐Ÿ™‚

– ONE –

Exploring Old Town Alexandria. One Saturday after I volunteered at church, I decided that I wanted to explore that part of town. Who was around? No one but me. So me, myself, and I went to brunch and walked the pretty streets of Old Town.


I tried a new restaurant, which helped me check something off my summer to-do list…


…I got coffee at a shop with the cutest menu ever…


…and I sat by the water and took in the sights of people enjoying a summer day on their boat. Of course, I also went shopping. So really, it was an absolutely perfect day. ๐Ÿ™‚

– TWO –

I was able to travel back to Pittsburgh for a few weekends in June to see Kenny Chesney and Taylor Swift with my friends. We all had so much fun!


I haven’t seen Kenny perform since I was really young, so his concert felt like one big throwback for me because he played all of his best hits.


Taylor Swift truly is a performer. Her concert was amazing! The radio DJs occasionally make me hate Taylor a little bit because her songs are so very overplayed, BUT I do love her. And her songs. Just not when the radio tells me to listen to them. ๐Ÿ™‚

Of course, I also love seeing my family…but my favorite thing that I did with them was not in Pittsburgh…


No one loves the beach more than we do. ๐Ÿ™‚


I started reading the Bible! I have gone to church my entire life and I was really involved as a teenager, but I don’t feel like I have a good understanding of the Bible. I know verses and stories, obviously, but I want to know more. I could have started by doing a Bible study of a certain chapter, but I really wanted to start at the beginning!


Starting on May 1, I tried to read my Bible for 15 minutes every day. Honestly, it’s the perfect amount of time. The early books of the Bible are filled with so many names and family trees that it can be hard to read through sometimes! Also, if the names aren’t tripping me up, sometimes I just start having so many questions and thoughts about what I am reading that I need to process. So, my phone alarm beeps after 15 minutes and I can process what I’ve read and start fresh the next day. I really cannot say that I read for 15 minutes I will say that I did this for the month of May and June. During these months, if I “missed” a day, I made up for it the next day by reading for 15 more minutes at a different time of the day (ex: morning AND night). But then July rolled around and I was busy with online classes and going on vacation and moving and now I am SO behind that I cannot possibly even try to start making up for it. So, I’m just starting again. Forget the days I have missed, just keep reading. ๐Ÿ™‚

– FOUR –

On that note, I moved to Arlington, Virginia to be closer to my job. I love, love, love my new apartment. Love.


I live in a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo with a living room, a kitchen, and a balcony. I LOVE that I can go outside! I have never had that luxury before…except of course at my parents’ house. ๐Ÿ™‚ My new roommate, Carlin, is the same age as me but works in a very different profession than teaching…she works for an IT company in the suburbs. So far, we get along great!

– FIVE –

One day, while reading blogs, I came across the lovely Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC. This led to an invitation to brunch, which of course I was excited about because who doesn’t want to eat all the food after a Saturday morning long run!? Lots of DC bloggers got together to chat about all things running, food, and blog-related. It was such a great Saturday!


Fall is a-comin’ friends. I know it by the slowly disappearing humidity and the bags of candy corn in every store;) I have always loved this time of year. It’sย more like a fresh start to me than the actual holiday of New Years! I run on school time. Summer was wonderful, but there is so much to look forward to. Set goals and get excited. Start the new year (or season) off on the right foot. ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Friday! Have the best weekend!


Bloggers, looking for a link-up? Click over to any one of these amazing blogs to join us for Friday Favorites!

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26 thoughts on “Five Summer Favorites

  1. So many things…I’m in the same boat as you about reading the Bible. I was so good for awhile but I’ve gotten off track. Hoping to fix that soon! And, love your room! That’s awesome you have a great roomie. That blogger brunch!? So jealous!! TGIF, Kylie!

  2. You do have so much to look forward to, especially with the new school year! I can’t wait to hear how your first day with you class goes! I love the way you approach reading the Bible. I have found in the past that when I’m strict with myself about reading it, I feel guilty and don’t get much out of my study time. When I take a more relaxed, curious approach towards reading/learning, I do much better and stick with it! There are SO many questions I have about the Bible, too. Especially the Old Testament! It’s insane, but it a good way, haha!!

    Your bedroom looks so cozy! How did you find your roommate?! Did you guys know each other, or were you placed together (is that a stupid question?)?

    I’m super jealous you got to explore Old Town Alexandria! I have been wanting to go there for a few years. It seems so quaint and beautiful. Sometimes dates by yourself are the best. I think being comfortable with being alone (and not feeling lonely) is a very good thing. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    • I will be sure to share!! I am a combination of nervous and excited. Talk to me next Sunday night and you will probably have to talk me off a ledge haha! I just hope it all goes well! I actually found my roommate on Craigslist. That’s the last place I thought I would ever look because my church has a forum where people post for roommates and I thought it would be really easy to find someone/somewhere there, but every time I went to look at a place, it just wasn’t “right”. Carlin is 23 and graduated in 2014 like me so we are kind of in the same place in life. She’s from around here and just wanted to move out on her own now that she has a “real” job so I got lucky! Haha and I don’t know if you saw my Instagram post this weekend, but I seriously love hanging out all by myself:) Hope you had a good weekend too!!

  3. I love Old Town! My boyfriend lives just over the bridge near National Harbor and we go there all the time. So cute. So is Arlington though– it’s great that you like your roommate. That’s super important. I’m not necessarily friends with mine but we get along and that is so much better than being miserable with your living situation. Love your bedroom ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I want to go to National Harbor! I haven’t been there yet! I’m third wheeling on your next date;) My roommate and I don’t rely on each other for much but it’s nice to have someone to come home and talk to or watch TV with! I’ve been in situations before that weren’t so great and you’re right…it can be hard!!

  4. Totally obsessed with your new apartment – your bedroom is so cheerful with the yellow ! ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope we get a full tour soon! Have a fabulous weekend girl !!

    • Thank you!! Yes, all the walls here are some shade of yellow. Very cheery ๐Ÿ™‚ All the other apartments I’ve been in have had white walls so it’s a welcome change! Hope the moving process is going well for you!

  5. Love the yellow walls so pretty! I totally grew up watching MK & A everything, so little time was great haha! And I LOVE old town alexandria, so cute! I heard Taylor Swift is amazing in concert!

    • Thank you!! It’s actually a bed with 6 drawers underneath so it’s all connected! Bob’s Furniture is apparently a new chain of furniture stores and that’s where I had the best luck ๐Ÿ™‚ I really wanted a fabric headboard…Pinterest makes them look so cute haha!

  6. YAY!!! Your new apartment is so cute. You’re officially a teacher (WHAT). I love that you’re intentionally reading the Bible now. So. Stinkin’. Cool!

    • Thank you!!! It’s starting to come together now that I am hanging things on the walls! Don’t talk to be about being official. I might throw up or cry on the first day of school hahaha

  7. I came here through the linkup! I’m kinda jealous you live in DC- I have been to Alexandria for a vacation but only in Arlington for the cemetery (when I was in college, we visited it). Old Town Alexandria is really nice and we walked around, it seems like a fun place to explore. It looks like you had fun at the brunch and concert too!

    • Sounds like you need to plan another trip ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s just down the road so I take advantage of the fact that it’s right here. I need to explore some more! Glad you found my blog. Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I signed up for one of those read the Bible in a year websites (they email you the pages you’re supposed to read that day) and it ended up being really helpful. It was just the right amount of reading and the reminder email helped me to not forget.

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