Awkward and Awesome [3.4.16]


-Snow expected today, 70 degrees by Monday. Oh.
-When your students are murmuring all morning long and you can’t figure out what is going on. Just one boy showing the rest of the class his armpit hair. Casual.
-When the professor passes out resources to use with students and then asks you to cut words out of the first page. Um, no. I’m sorry. I need to save this forever and ever. What if I want it one day? I can’t copy cut out pieces! Excuse me while I write this word list in my notebook instead of cutting it out. #teacherproblems
-My roommate told me last Sunday that her mom would be coming over this Sunday. As a cue that I should clean my bedroom and bathroom. Is the fact that she told me a week early a sign that I’m messy? Organized chaos. I really don’t like a lot of “stuff” so I don’t even know how my room gets to looking like this. Oh, yes I do. Dressing myself looks like a tornado each and every morning. Don’t tell me to pick out my outfit the night before because I will change my mind.
-Going to the school nurse and making her take your temperature because you think you are dying. In case you were actually concerned, I’m fine and apparently can’t handle two cups of coffee per day. Hahaha
-The speed at which I can eat my way through a bag of dried pineapple. #sorrynotsorry
-Exposing myself to 23894732 germs on the Metro escalator. Of course our long run ended near the stop with the world’s longest escalator ride. Our legs just couldn’t handle it. πŸ˜‰



-A random Tuesday with no school because of the Virginia Primaries.
-It’s the 100th day of school. FINALLY!
-The “Rockland Pearl”. I went to a new-to-me barbecue restaurant on Wednesday night with my running group and that was the name of the meal I ordered. A bowl filled with macaroni and cheese, barbecue baked beans, and barbecue chicken (because I don’t care for pulled pork). It was all layered and delicious and amazing. I claim to dislike BBQ sauce and baked beans so the fact that I liked this is amazing and I must go back ASAP.
-Someone found a penny and “paid” me for being the best teacher ever. He had been in trouble 20 minutes prior. #iseewhatyouredoing
-FaceTime-ing with my mom and watching the dogs freak out when I ask if they want to go for a walk or go for a ride in the car. She was less amused than me. πŸ˜‰
-When Colby and Migo hold hands. #bestfriendsforever


Awkward and Awesome [1/29/16]

Happy Friday! I’m back with another round of “Awesome and Awkward” moments from the week. πŸ™‚ Giving all the credit for this idea toΒ MorganΒ at The True Life of MKH. It’s fun to read about these random moments in her life, and it’s just as fun to compile my own list.Β Of course, some of these random moments have also turned into some of my favorite things, because it’s all about the little things in life, right?


-Getting really mad at the nurse at the gyno for weighing me and recording a ridiculous number…then coming home and realizing that number matches the one on the scale here, too. #eyeroll I like how I look, so I don’t care about the number. But I do. But I don’t. #itsamindgame
-Going out for mimosas and brunch with friends and being the first one to leave…this was mid-blizzard and we were at the only open restaurant one block from my apartment. I just really wanted to watch Netflix and lay in my bed. Hahaha
-Telling Amanda I would adventure with her and her friend to see Iwo Jima in the snow and backing out after three blocks. Hahaha! I really sound like the life of the party, don’t I? I didn’t want to get stuck far away in the snow with no way to get home! πŸ˜‰
-Cohabitating with my roommate’s boyfriend…he was at our apartment all weekend during the blizzard and then come Sunday evening, he couldn’t get home. So while my roommate went to work all week and I had 234937 snow days, he and I bonded. Or something.
-When I raise my eyebrows, I get really attractive forehead rolls…


Don’t mind Jake, he was busy trying to find a video from the local news on Facebook.


-My friends and I were shopping on Tuesday and we met up with some friends of a friend while we were out. We all went to Duquesne together, so we had that in common, too. I recognized both girls, but I don’t think I had ever actually talked to them before. Upon meeting, they said, “Hey, didn’t you used to teach a Spin class in college? We used to come all the time!” Hey! Yes! That’s me! I’m the Spin teacher! πŸ™‚


-I left some gloves and other winter gear at my mom’s house in Pittsburgh, so she sent me a little care package with those things plus some of my mail. And of course chocolate covered Sarris pretzels! A $20 bill also dropped out of the box, but my favorite part was the quickly written note from my little brother. πŸ™‚ #thelittlethings


-The same cute baby brother who wrote me a note let me drive his new car when I got home on Wednesday night! My friends and I used to drive around aimlessly for hours in high school so it was fun to do the same thing with Jake πŸ™‚ Most of my family members drive SUV’sΒ so it feels weird to zoom around in a little car!

-While driving back to Pittsburgh, Kristen and I talked about (and Google-d) how spaceships land, how spaceships are driven, the U.S. mint, inflation, and how the world’s marketplaces figure out how much things should cost. We also recently discussed how the Metro definitely goes up hill while we are riding it, but it always feels like it’s moving in a straight line. I tell you these random thoughts to point out that we aren’t the kind of friends who are always staring at our phones…we are pondering real important things about life. πŸ˜‰ Haha!

Screen Shot 2016-01-28 at 11.22.10 PM (1)

-You have my full permission to judge me for this one. I LOVE THIS REMIX. Actually, I love all song remixes. Regardless, I don’t even like the regular version of this Fetty Wap song (because really? Your name is Fetty Wap?) but when the beat drops at 1:03, it makes my Spin teaching self so happy. Listen here; I know you want to. πŸ˜‰

Around the Internet:

“Reserving” Your Street Parking Spot in the Days After JonasΒ #sassy
Short video about your BFF’s ex-significant other πŸ˜‰Β #stilllaughing
On Taking Charge of Your CareerΒ #justdoit
Why We Should Stop Saying #GirlBossΒ –> never thought about it this way until I read this but I totally agree.
Etsy PlannersΒ –> These remind me SO much of Erin Condren (design, layout, and customizing features) but are priced much lower!


Bloggers, looking for a link-up? Click over to any one of these amazing blogs to join us for Friday Favorites!


Awkward and Awesome

You know those moments in life that occur and you are just left speechless or hear yourself thinking a simple, “Oh.”?! These moments are usually followed by a quick text to my mom or my best friend explaining my awkward life so today I decided to share some of those moments with you.Β MorganΒ at The True Life of MKH started writing “Awkward and Awesome” posts and I love reading about the kind of behind the scenes moments of her week this way! Of course, some of these random moments have also turned into some of my favorite things, too. πŸ™‚


-Taking boxes down to the recycling room in a white t-shirt with no bra and a towel on my head. I ask for these encounters, honestly.
-Meeting LaurenΒ for breakfast and finding out that the place I suggested is closed every Monday… #ididmyresearch #clearly
-Rearranging my desk area in my classroom and finding student belongings that they insisted were real and I insisted were lost. Such as someone’s Elsa pencil box and a family picture for a school project…
-When your coach tells you to take a video of part of your workout so you can see how well you areΒ actuallyΒ doing and you look like this…

Moments before, Autumn Calabrese had said “drive your knee straight up to your chest!” I don’t think this is what she had in mindΒ ha! And landing softly? Not happening.

-That face coworkers make when you have a fit that the KCup you just brewed in the faculty room is aΒ cappuccinoΒ KCup which means it has calories. I don’t count calories, but I also don’t like to drink them in my coffee ha! #blackcoffeeordie
-DC got one inch of snow on Wednesday night and the traffic map looked like this until well past midnight. Every single road was gridlocked and there were SO many accidents. Apparently, city officials didn’t expectΒ the roadsΒ to needΒ treated and everything turned to ice! It took my roommate’s boyfriend 3.5 hours to go 6 miles. Crazy!



-Snow out my window. Finally!

See the part that is cleared? That’s not a road. The road is covered with snow. That nice clear little pathway is the sidewalk to the Metro. THAT is the definition of a #DCProblem ha!
-Money back from Wegman’s after I checked out because I signed up for a Shopper’s Card. That place is
-A three dayΒ one day student workΒ week thanks to MLK Jr. Day and a teacher work day. Edited to add –> and two snow days! I literally taught children on Wednesday and that’s all. Oy! We are expecting 18-28 inches starting tomorrow. Once it starts, it won’t stop for 36 hours apparently!Β #blizzardwatch
-Attending a new-to-me yoga class with one of my coworkers. I usually take hot yoga classes, but this one was in a regular studio and it was super intense!
-Downloading the Cafe Rio app. The faster I get to 100 points, the faster I get a $10 credit!

And that’s about it! Now, it’s your turn to tell me about the awkward and awesome things that happened to you this week! I expect to be trapped at home all weekend, so I need some reading material. πŸ˜‰ Happy Friday!


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