Awkward and Awesome

You know those moments in life that occur and you are just left speechless or hear yourself thinking a simple, “Oh.”?! These moments are usually followed by a quick text to my mom or my best friend explaining my awkward life so today I decided to share some of those moments with you. Morgan at The True Life of MKH started writing “Awkward and Awesome” posts and I love reading about the kind of behind the scenes moments of her week this way! Of course, some of these random moments have also turned into some of my favorite things, too. 🙂


-Taking boxes down to the recycling room in a white t-shirt with no bra and a towel on my head. I ask for these encounters, honestly.
-Meeting Lauren for breakfast and finding out that the place I suggested is closed every Monday… #ididmyresearch #clearly
-Rearranging my desk area in my classroom and finding student belongings that they insisted were real and I insisted were lost. Such as someone’s Elsa pencil box and a family picture for a school project…
-When your coach tells you to take a video of part of your workout so you can see how well you are actually doing and you look like this…

Moments before, Autumn Calabrese had said “drive your knee straight up to your chest!” I don’t think this is what she had in mind ha! And landing softly? Not happening.

-That face coworkers make when you have a fit that the KCup you just brewed in the faculty room is a cappuccino KCup which means it has calories. I don’t count calories, but I also don’t like to drink them in my coffee ha! #blackcoffeeordie
-DC got one inch of snow on Wednesday night and the traffic map looked like this until well past midnight. Every single road was gridlocked and there were SO many accidents. Apparently, city officials didn’t expect the roads to need treated and everything turned to ice! It took my roommate’s boyfriend 3.5 hours to go 6 miles. Crazy!



-Snow out my window. Finally!

See the part that is cleared? That’s not a road. The road is covered with snow. That nice clear little pathway is the sidewalk to the Metro. THAT is the definition of a #DCProblem ha!
-Money back from Wegman’s after I checked out because I signed up for a Shopper’s Card. That place is
-A three day one day student work week thanks to MLK Jr. Day and a teacher work day. Edited to add –> and two snow days! I literally taught children on Wednesday and that’s all. Oy! We are expecting 18-28 inches starting tomorrow. Once it starts, it won’t stop for 36 hours apparently! #blizzardwatch
-Attending a new-to-me yoga class with one of my coworkers. I usually take hot yoga classes, but this one was in a regular studio and it was super intense!
-Downloading the Cafe Rio app. The faster I get to 100 points, the faster I get a $10 credit!

And that’s about it! Now, it’s your turn to tell me about the awkward and awesome things that happened to you this week! I expect to be trapped at home all weekend, so I need some reading material. 😉 Happy Friday!


Bloggers, looking for a link-up? Click over to any one of these amazing blogs to join us for Friday Favorites!

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Friday Favorites


32 thoughts on “Awkward and Awesome

  1. hahahha dying…it wasn’t awkward at all! I didn’t even think about it. But Ted’s Bulletin was delicious anyways 🙂 I’m so jealous of your blizzard this weekend and your snow days! Have a good weekend, friend!

    • Ha I’m the worst! The one girl asked me about that Elsa pencil box for WEEKS and I was like I have never seen that thing in my life you never brought it to school. Hahaha! What does Tank think of the snow?!

    • Haha I would’ve been screaming! I am a very aggressive driver and I hate when people are scared to drive lol! My only plan for the weekend is to try to make it to a massive snowball fight that is happening in DC on Sunday 🙂 You have a great weekend too!

  2. Yessss to all of these things!

    The stories of drivers on Wednesday night are crazy — I heard someone took 8 hours to go from Potomac to Philly! WHOA.

    Enjoy your super-duper long weekend!

  3. That map of traffic due to the DMV area snow is insane. My friend said it took her 5.5 hours to go 7 miles. I don’t envy anyone who had to deal with that. Happy Friday!

  4. Haha CALORIES!!!!! But honestly I love black coffee too, so #noshame and that picture of your video is so funny. I look at mine sometimes and i’m like wait why do people talk to me??? I hope you and Lauren were able to go elsewhere!! Enjoy your snow days!

  5. Hi, so glad you stopped by my blog! I’m sure we were on campus at the same time, I was there from 2008-2012. 🙂

    Love the Awkward // Awesome concept. I feel like I always have my fair share of awkward moments.

    That transit time map? And I thought Pittsburgh struggled to drive in the snow. Haha. Hope you can hunker down & wait out the madness.

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog! I like your awkward/awesome post–that’s a great idea because we all have those moments. Enjoy the snow and the quiet during the blizzard. I laughed when I saw the map. I don’t miss the days of negotiating DC commuter traffic!

    • Haha it really is crazy!! I live in the city but work in the suburbs and I have to say, a reverse commute is the way to go 🙂 You should write a post like this too! I would love to read it!

  7. I love the Awkward/Awesome theme! I might have to borrow the idea and do a similar post! You will appreciate this since you know Pittsburgh well: They are calling for a whopping 1-3 inches of snow this weekend here, and the grocery stores were a total madhouse today. I went to buy bananas not thinking everyone would be “emergency” shopping, and there wasn’t even a place to park!

  8. Wow! If it was that bad there for an inch of snow this wk I can’t imagine how it’s going to be this wkend when the heavy stuff comes. I have suggested several places for lunch before with friends and thy always seem to be closed on a Monday. Note to self don’t go out to lunch on Mondays:)

  9. It took me an hour to get from Georgetown to Alexandria at 9 pm on Wednesday b/c people were going 5 pmh on 395. I was complaining about that until I heard the horror stories!

  10. This post was great. We tried to go to lunch the other day for work at BRGR at 11 and of course it doesn’t open until 11:30. #fail cheers to lots of snow and lots of snow days in your future!! 🙂

  11. I’m sure I’d look the same with a workout picture. I never like my race pictures. I always think I running smoothly and gliding down the road and then I see the pictures.

    • Haha race pictures are the BEST! Some of them just look miserable but now when I see cameras I try to smile and wave so they don’t come out too terribly! What’s your favorite race?

    • You should write a post like this too! Still coming down here in DC! CRAZY how much it is snowing. I’m from Pittsburgh where it snows a lot every winter but nothing like this! Thanks for the well wishes 🙂

  12. I’m jealous you have a Wegmans AND a Cafe Rio!! I haven’t been to Cafe Rio (yet…), but I’ve always heard good things about it. Also, the traffic in DC for the snow..yikes! That’s crazy! I lol’d at the metro path being cleared. Too funny!

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